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16 June 2021
On 16 June 2021 the OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot (ORP) Workshop "Tailored Dispersing Elements for Astronomical Optical Spectrograph" will be organised online. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory.
15 June 2021
Live public discussion with Andy Lawrence, Brian Eno, Catherine Heymans, Mark McCaughrean from ESA, Amy Mehlman from Viasat, and many others. Join us live on YouTube.
11 June 2021
As a next step in developing its science vision, Astronet is holding an open webinar to present current status and seek further advice from the European astronomical community via the European Astronomical Society (EAS). The webinar will include an overview of the process from the chair of the Astronet Board, with presentations from the panels who have been working on draft sections, and plenty of time for questions.
1-3 June 2021
The International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) brings together policy experts, facility managers, leading researchers and a variety of other stakeholders to discuss challenges and emerging trends for research infrastructures around the world.