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Image: © L. Wyrzykowski

Image: © L. Wyrzykowski

The event promoted networking, unveiled the updated BHTOM version 2 platform, and included practical sessions on its use. Workshop talks are available on YouTube, with event highlights shared on Twitter/X under #14_GAIA_ORP_MALTA_2023.

The annual Time-Domain Astronomy workshop organized by the ORP Time-Domain WP18, led by Prof. Lukasz Wyrzykowski from the University of Warsaw, saw 65 attendees both in-person and remote. This marked the 14th meeting under the Gaia Science Alerts banner, now expanded to include other optical and radio time-domain surveys. The event took place in Valletta, Malta, on 2-5 October 2023.

The gathering aimed to foster networking within the ORP's time-domain arm, provide updates on surveys and follow-up facilities and promote synergy among network members working on various science cases at different wavelengths. A highlight was the unveiling of the updated BHTOM version 2 (, the ORP Time-Domain WP's flagship product.

BHTOM serves as a coordination platform for time-domain astronomy, where researchers submit observing requests for their targets. It is connected to a global network of nearly 100 telescopes that respond to these requests, submit observational data, and have it automatically processed and calibrated. The Malta workshop included hands-on sessions and workshops on using this new system, ensuring attendees left with practical knowledge and enhanced collaboration opportunities.

The workshop's talks are available to watch on YouTube, links here.

The event was also reported on Twitter/X under #14_GAIA_ORP_MALTA_2023 tag on this account.