Today, registration opens for ERIS2024, the 10th edition of the European Radio Interferometry School, which will be held in Granada, Spain, from Monday, September 30th to Friday, October 4th, 2024. The deadline for registrations is May 10th, 2024.
ERIS aims to provide a comprehensive overview of radio interferometry, covering fundamentals, data processing, and analysis techniques, along with practical hands-on sessions. The lectures and tutorials will cover the following topics:
• Calibration and imaging of interferometry data (continuum, spectral line, and polarization)
• Observational techniques using various arrays (e.g., LOFAR, e-MERLIN, EVN/VLBI, ALMA & NOEMA)
• Strategies for observation planning and proposal writing
Learn more about ERIS2024 and find the application form here.